Thursday, April 14, 2005

sad, but also a joyful day...

This morning, April 14 at 10:30 AM my grandmother went home to be with the Lord. I thank God that it was not a long ordeal and that she did not have to suffer long. I am proud to say that my grandmother was saved and that she is in a better place.

It is amazing how God works things out. My dad was able to see her on Sunday and reconcile everything between them. Later that night, he attended church and a lady stopped breathing. He went over to her and started praying for her. He called some other men in the church to come pray with him and before they finished praying for her, she was miraculously healed and he was filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. God was in mysterious ways and see how when we are able to fully forgive others that God is able to move in our lives.

I can say that I was ever close to my grandmother, but now that I know she was saved we are closer than ever before. One day I will see her again.

I ask that everyone who reads this would say a prayer for my family and me as I will be traveling back home to Georgia.



Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

sorry to hear about your loss kevin. i will tell the family and we will all be praying for you. have a safe trip to and on the return from Georgia. we will be thinking about you.

7:39 PM, April 14, 2005  

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