Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Almighty God......speak for your servant is listening

Lord I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. I praise your holy name and give you all the honor and glory to you for bringing me to Florida. You had a reason for me to come down here. I have begun the race you have set before me and up to two days ago I was ready to begin another leg of this race, but today I received that shocking phone call. Now I look down the course and I don't see the finish line anymore. All I can see is the hurdles and obstacles that have been set before me. I know that you knew what was going to be said to me even before it was said. Thus I know I can trust in you to lead and guide me down the right path. You never said that this reace was going to be easy and I am ready to take it on with you by my side. If you are not going to be there with me, then I don't want to go. Lord I ask you to give me wisdom and understanding so that I may know your will.

Not only do I want your will in this situation Lord, but I want to follow your will and way in everything that I do. You did not send me down to Florida for me to leave unfinished. I started this race and I know you want me to finish it. Please Lord forgive me of all my trangressions so that I may be able to see clearly what you have called me to do and that I am not affected by the enemy. Cleanse me and make me whole. I love you Lord and I want to honor you in all I do. I ask that you be with me tomorrow as I go take on this first hurdle of this race and that I am able to accomplish what you want me to accomplish. Thank you for what you have done, what you are currently doing, and what you are going to do in my life.


Monday, April 25, 2005

Man that was good...

One hour later I have successfully made it back from wal-mart and toasted me some waffles and added a little PB&J to it and it was very fulfilling.

Some of you would think this was very sad, but when you have a craving sometimes it is nice to fulfill. Don't get me wrong there are somethings that we should never fufill, but waffles at 9:30 at night is one of those that you should.

I actually picked up a new kind of Peanut Butter, it is a honey flavored one made by Peter Pan and it was very good.

Back to what I was talking about in my last post, I have been praying about and wanting to make a decision about what I was going to do for the upcoming school year. I weighed out my pros and cons (which everyone should do when making a decision) and decided not to stay at the private school where I am currently employed. So I sent out my resume to various companys and schools. I had a few call backs, but finally settle on teaching in the public school system.

After making my decision and turning in my letter of intent with my current employer I decided I was not going to tell the students until closer to the end of the year. As you can expect it being a small private school it leaked out. So after another teacher asked me about it infront of the sophmore class which is the most talkative bunch, I had to go ahead and make my annoucement. If I didn't I would probably have a bunch of rumors why I was not coming back be floating about like some of the other teachers have. As soon as I told them, they didn't say YEAAAA or NOOOO, it was more like you are going to be eatin alive in public school. The funny thing is that other faculty are saying the same thing. I haven't received any vote of confidence from anyone, but from my family and girlfriend. I really believe that is kinda of bogus.

So besides all the stuff I am hearing at work right now, all is well and I am glad I only have 3 weeks and 4 days of school left. Then it is 2 months of vacation (actually taking classes this summer).

I have been playing soccer and we have tied 2 games and lost 2 so far this season. I have already injured myself. I was cleated and bruised my foot pretty severely (according to the doctor, even though I kinda of new that because it was purple). It is getting better, but I am not fully able to pivet or run on it yet.


I am hungry...

Today I purchased 60 eggo waffles, but I just realized I don't own a toaster. This is very sad because I am craving peanut butter and jelly waffles right now and I don't have a brave little toaster.

Anyways, I am currently talking to my girlfriend as I make this entry. She thinks I am very sad for not owning a wrench, pilers, or even a toaster.

Well I passed my Crime Scene Technician test with flying colors, but I have accepted a position to teach High School Science in the public school system.

I gotta go buy a toaster so I will end this post now.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

sad, but also a joyful day...

This morning, April 14 at 10:30 AM my grandmother went home to be with the Lord. I thank God that it was not a long ordeal and that she did not have to suffer long. I am proud to say that my grandmother was saved and that she is in a better place.

It is amazing how God works things out. My dad was able to see her on Sunday and reconcile everything between them. Later that night, he attended church and a lady stopped breathing. He went over to her and started praying for her. He called some other men in the church to come pray with him and before they finished praying for her, she was miraculously healed and he was filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. God was in mysterious ways and see how when we are able to fully forgive others that God is able to move in our lives.

I can say that I was ever close to my grandmother, but now that I know she was saved we are closer than ever before. One day I will see her again.

I ask that everyone who reads this would say a prayer for my family and me as I will be traveling back home to Georgia.

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